5 Minutes with Matt Silva

Matt Silva is having the time of his life in 2012.

2012 has been a year to remember for Matt “the Juggernaut” Silva. In January he defeated Slex to claim the MCW Championship and backed this up in April at New Horizons defeating former TNA superstar Sonjay Dutt.

Matt Silva talks to MCW News about winning the title, shaving Krakerjak’s head and the fallout from Collingwood supporters after he attacked Joffa.

MCW News (MN) – You have come along way in this past year. How is life in the ring now that you are MCW Champion?
Matt Silva (MS) – Life’s good, but hard at the same time! At the moment I’m at my best when it comes to in the ring, holding the MCW championship proves that! But I’m sure it will get a lot harder.

MN – You have come along way since starting with MCW, always being one of MCW’s most competitive wrestlers, What changed for you too finally win the big one?
MS – Realising that I could do it, being more serious and more focused… you can tell by how I wrestle… I’m always on the prowl looking for that win! No more Cat & Mouse for me! Haha.

Matt Silva after claiming the MCW championship in January 2012

MN – Let’s go back to the start, after coming up short in another MCW title challenge against Danny Psycho, you started 2011 with a bang enlisting the help of Joffa and Adam Brookes to form team Silva. How did this team come about?
MS – I thought I was getting stale! Needed to freshen things up and give my opponents another thing to worry about! I trained Adam Brooks, so he thinks like me! And if you have 2 people thinking the same way, that’s a advantage. And Joffa… well he knows how to piss people off! So what better combo is there?!

MN – Team Silva were making constant headlines in MCW, who’s idea was it to shave Krakerjak’s head?
MS – Krackerjak and I go way back… and when we had a scheduled match together he got on the mic and started making hair jokes! And when you kick a animal, eventually its gonna bite back. And that’s exactly what I did! Kinda did him a favour if you ask me! haha

MN – Team Silva ultimately feel apart when you attacked Joffa. How bad was the fallout from the Collingwood supporters?
MS – Bad, is a understatement. I was receiving death threats over Facebook and other social networking sites, but on the other had I had about 99% of the rest of the population cheering me on! So take the good with the bad and the bad with the good.

MN – Do you have any advice for Joffa’s new team Hardway Inc? How should they handle Joffa?
MS – Hahaha, no advice! If you ask me, looks like Joffa has already sunk his teeth in! haha

MN – You caught the attention of International wrestling star Sonjay Dutt. Was this the match you were expecting for your first title defence?
MS – Not at all! How can you expect someone 25000km’s away to challenge you 30sec after winning the championship? You cant! it was a major surprise and a big honour!

MN – How did you prepare for Sonjay?
MS – Same as usual. How do you prepare for someone who has had as much as experience as him? You can’t! So you just have to bring everything and more! And thankfully that night, was my night!

Matt Silva taking on former TNA star Sonjay Dutt in April 2012 at New Horizons.

MN – Now MCW and RCW have signed a working agreement, it seemed that a challenge from RCW for the MCW title could happen sooner or later, what are your thoughts on RCW champion Mimic?
MS – I’ve got no thoughts on Mimic… Chris Bass… Cree, whatever he call’s himself these days! We are both men, both have titles… the difference is that I’m the best wrestler in this country.

MN – Company VS Company, how do you rate MCW against RCW?
MS – Stupid Question! MCW has the best Talent, Slex, Danny Psycho, Carlo Cannon… RCW wish they had guys like that!

MN – Have we seen the best of Matt Silva yet?
MS – Hard to say! Wrestling has some many ups and downs, 1 day you can be champion, the next injured and on the side line! But if I stay healthy and the body holds up, I don’t see myself dropping this title anytime soon!

MN – Thank you for your time Matt, we look forward to seeing Team Silva and Only the Stong (Chris “Mimic” Basso and Andy Roy) lock up at the Dragon Fly on June 29, do you have any parting words for the challengers?
MS – Yeah.. they’re coming all this way to Melbourne just to count the lights! BrainnnBustaaaaa!!!

See Matt Silva and Adam Brookes take on RCW’s “Only the Strong” at MCW Riot in Melbourne on June 29 at the Dragon Fly, Tullamarine. Click her for more details.

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