Ballroom Brawl delivers a memorable night

Dowie James and Cletus got the night started in style.

Melbourne City Wrestling returned to the Thornbury Theatre, presenting it’s third Ballroom Brawl mid-year supercard in front of almost 400 fans. In one of the most talked about MCW events ever, the stars of MCW and RCW didn’t disappoint with a amazing displays of skill and strength shown throughout the evening. The evening saw the inaugural Ballroom Brawl 20 Man Rumble and MCW champion Matt Silva put his title on the line against Chris ‘Mimic’ Basso.

The night started with a Ballroom Brawl Rumble Qualifier, with two fan favourites in Dowie James and Cletus giving it their all for the chance to make it into the main event of the evening. Both men delivered some dazzling aerial antics, but the friendly rivalry became more and more heated as the match went on, with both man diving to the floor at different points of the match. In the end, neither man came out the winner, as a powerbomb to the floor wound up incapacitating both men, and forced Edwin Lay to count both men out of the match. At that point, Junior Executive Producer Jake Lindo made his way out, and ruled that since neither man won, BOTH men would be included in the Ballroom Brawl Rumble, much to the delight of the crowd.

RCW’s Brodie Marshall & Brad Smyth distract MCW’s Siren Monroe helping give Miami victory.

Riot City Wrestling made their presence felt, as Miami made her way to the ring, flanked by Brodie Marshall & Brad Smyth, for a rematch against MCW’s newest female wrestler, Siren Monroe. Siren put up a gallant effort throughout the match, but thanks to the outside interference from the additional South Australians, Miami came out the winner following a Samoan Drop.

Following the match, RCW began putting the boots to Siren Monroe, trying to take her out once and for all, but it was quickly broken up by the Fighting Irishman, Andrew Phoenix, who charged the ring and launched into an impromptu match against Brad Smyth. Both men were evenly matched, but once again, the numbers game worked in favour of Riot City Wrestling, as Smyth won in his first MCW appearance, thanks to interference from Brodie Marshall, who remained at ringside for the bout.

Jacko Lantern and KrackerJak taking The Vanity Project and Hard Way Inc down.

Hard Way Inc were due to face the Misfits Stunt Crew in a no-disqualification match, but the MCW Executive Producer, Miss Cass, made her way to ringside, and declared that the match was officially cancelled, since the Misfits were not present at the Dragonfly to sign the contract. As an alternative, Mike Burr and Jay Andrews found themselves placed into the tag team match between the Vanity Project and KrackoLantern, making it a triple threat match. The numbers were too much for KrackerJak and Jacko Lantern for the majority of the bout, but the fan favourites were able to capitalise on a breakdown in communication between Hard Way Inc and the Vanity Project, and in the end, it was Jacko Lantern who got the pinfall on Josh ‘The Axe’ Shooter.

Mimic and Silva had an epic match lasting nearly half an hour.

The crown jewel of Melbourne City Wrestling, the MCW Championship Title, was defended in the first ever Riot City Street Fight, as RCW’s Chris ‘Mimic’ Basso attempted to become a double champion by defeating Matt Silva for the belt. This was a battle for the ages, lasting almost half an hour, and incorporating tables, chairs and ladders, as both men battled in and around the ringside area. Brodie Marshall and Brad Smyth attempted to help the figurehead of RCW throughout the match, with Brodie Marshall blasting Silva through a table on the stage, but Silva’s stablemate, Adam Brooks, ran out and cleared house. In the end, it was Silva who blasted Mimic through a table to retain his championship belt.

After such an action packed night, it was time for the number one contender to be decided in the first annual Ballroom Brawl Rumble match. The first two combatants were Slex and Danny Psycho, two individuals who have had their fair share of issues lately, as the war between MCW and RCW rages on. In the early going, it was a see-saw battle between the two promotions, as more competitors from their respective promotions entered the fray. GD Grimm made his presence felt, as he hit the ring and immediately began clearing out MCW roster members left right and centre, including the Misfits Stunt Crew, who made a surprise appearance in the match. But the long awaited return of Tommy Hellfire helped turn the tide.

Welcome back! MCW’s Tommy Hellfire lifting RCW giant Grimm over his shoulders to deliver a T.K.O.

Hellfire would eliminate Grimm from the match, and would last for quite some time in the match, until Grimm made an unexpected return, clearing Hellfire from the ring. A furious Tommy Hellfire chased Grimm backstage, and one would imagine that this war has only just started.

Carlo Cannon’s “sweet surprise”, Big Sugar, immediately made a beeline for Slex, but it was not to be, as Slex and several other roster members cleared Big Sug from the ring, and sent him packing. The match also saw the debut of two new faces to MCW: the creepy film producer known as Percy, and Mr Juicy, Gino Gambino, but neither man had much luck in the match.

The first two at the start, the last two at the end. Slex and Danny Psycho face off in the 20 man rumble.

The match ended as it began, with Slex and Danny Psycho being the last two men in the match. Slex managed to throw Psycho to the apron, and hit a Slexecution, but an ill-fated attempt at a suicide dive would be his undoing, as Psycho pulled the ropes down, causing Slex to crash to the floor. A jubilant Danny Psycho celebrated with the Riot City Wrestling crew, as confetti rained down in the Thornbury Theatre, but the party was broken up by Matt Silva, who glared at the new number one contender from the stage, holding his title aloft as the show came to a close.

Danny Psycho celebrates victory in the 20 man rumble with RCW members.

Now, we look towards our CBD debut event on Saturday August 18. The main event is signed: Matt Silva will defend the MCW Championship against Danny Psycho. But before then, we return to the Dragonfly on Friday July 27, on a night where we will see the return of “the greatest men’s pairs team today”, SexRock. MCW Management have announced that Elliot Sexton and Jonah Rock will be placed into singles action against the members of KrackoLantern, who SexRock targeted in their video that aired on Saturday night, and those two individual matches are expected to be announced very soon.

Things are really heating up as the months go on, and we will be keeping you all updated right here as we begin speeding towards 1000 Pound Bend on August 18.

Matt Silva will defend his title against Danny Psycho at 1000 Pound Bend; 361 Little Lonsdale, Melbourne,  on August 18. View details here.

MCW returns to the Dragonfly; 255 Mickleham Rd, Tullamarine, on Friday August 27. View details here. Phone 9330 3111 to book your tables.


4 responses

  1. […] a response, Melbourne City Wrestling have decided to give you, the fans, exactly what you want! At the Thornbury Theatre supercard, we saw Dowie James and Cletus go to a double count-out in the op… after over ten minutes of nail biting back and forth action. What started off as a friendly rivalry […]

  2. […] Following MCW Ballroom Brawl on July 14, our production team found The Vanity Project, Seth Taylor and Josh ‘The Axe’ Shooter, bemoaning their loss in the triple threat match earlier in the evening. The conclusion of the match saw The Vanity Project firmly in control of the match, but after throwing Hard Way Inc to the outside, they would taste defeat at the hands of KrackoLantern. Once backstage, Taylor and Shooter were overheard complaining about their loss, blaming it squarely on Hard Way Inc, who they felt got in the way, and hadn’t given them their chance to shine. On this occasion, they were overheard by Mike Burr and Jay Andrews, the very same individuals they had blamed their loss on, and that didn’t sit well with the Australian wrestling veterans. Things turned ugly very quickly, and a scuffle broke out, as seen in this video: Click here to view video. (Warning: Some Coarse Language) […]

  3. […] one week after his unsuccessful attempt to claim the MCW title at Ballroom Brawl, Chris ‘Mimic’ Basso lost his own RCW title to Marvel at ‘Dark Days’ in […]

  4. […] MCW champion, Tommy Hellfire, back from a 12 month lay off fresh off his shock return in the Ballroom Brawl Rumble has taken exception to Hard Way Inc’s attitude and was the first person to step in on Friday […]

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