Slex vs Carlo announced for Worlds Collide

Slex and Carlo Cannon are set to face off in the ultimate grudge match at Worlds Collide

Once, they were best friends. Now, they are at the forefront of one of the most bitterly personal rivalries in Melbourne City Wrestling history.

Carlo Cannon and Slex used to be a tag team to be reckoned with. Teaming up originally in 2009, they became the EPW Tag Team Champions in Western Australia, before losing the belts to Shane Haste and Mikey Nicholls, who would later re-invent themselves as TMDK, and sign a contract with Pro Wrestling NOAH in Japan. Meanwhile, they took the professional wrestling scene on the east coast by storm, teaming together in Queensland, Canberra, and of course in Melbourne, under the name of ‘Cash Money Addiction’.

But in February 2012, that all began to fall apart. Prior to his rematch against Matt Silva for the MCW Championship at our first Dragonfly show for the year, Slex told Carlo to let him fight his own battle. Carlo ignored the request, and that ultimately cost Slex the match. At ‘Tension Rising’ in March, the friendship continued to become strained, as Slex and Carlo continued to bicker their way through a six man tag match. It was Slex’s intense battle with former WWE superstar Paul London that caused the friendship to completely disintegrate. Paul would tell Slex prior to the match that he could be his own man, a great stand-alone competitor, and that all he needed to do was to stop relying on Carlo. After Slex lost to London at ‘Talk of the Town’ in April, Carlo responded by turning on his best friend, hitting a superkick, and standing tall over the former MCW Champion to end the show.

Since then, Carlo has taken every cheap shot possible, in order to stay one step ahead of his former ally. He pinned Slex after a sneak attack, scoring the win in ten seconds in an impromptu match at ‘Night of the Grudges’ in May, and after Slex pinned Ryan Rollins at 1000 Pound Bend in August, Carlo once again jumped the ‘Totally Addictive’ one. Slex gained a measure of revenge against Carlo and his BFF Ryan Rollins at ‘Return of the RyRo’ in August, ruining the return party for Rollins, and hitting the Slexecution on Cash Money, sending a cake flying into his face in the process, before pinning Rollins again at ‘Westend Riot’ in September.

Now, these two will square off one final time in a deeply personal grudge match, as MCW presents ‘Worlds Collide’ at the Thornbury Theatre on Friday November 16. There are no championships on the line, only pride between two of the very best professional wrestlers that this country has produced, and it will all come to a head at our second anniversary show.


MCW returns to the Dragonfly Friday October 26. 255 Mickleham Rd, Tullamarine. Doors open at 6.00pm. Belltime at 7.30pm. All Tickets: $10.00 per person!!!
BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL FOR OUR DRAGONFLY SHOWS! Phone 9330 3111 to book your tables.

MCW Worlds Collide. Friday 16th November 2012, The Thornbury Theatre – 859 High Street, Thornbury. Add event to you FACEBOOK CALENDAR.  Book Online or for further information call (03) 9484 983. Visit the MCW website at for up to date information.

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