Monthly Archives: December, 2012

2012 – The fans speak

The results are in! 2012 has been a massive year for MCW, and now that the year is in the history books, we asked YOU, the fans, what you thought of this year via our online polls. So lets take a look at what you voted as the best of 2012!
Ryan Rollins
Even after missing 3 month mid-year, Ryan Rollins has been voted wrestler of the year by MCW fans.

Even after missing 3 month mid-year, Ryan Rollins has been voted wrestler of the year by MCW fans.

Some people say Ryan Rollins spent most of 2012 living in the shadows of his BFF Carlo Cannon (and previously Slex), but Rollins proved himself to be much more than a tag along. He started 2012 with a bang, celebrating Australia Day the only way he knew how, by paying tribute to Peter Allen’s ‘Boy From Oz’, entering via the balcony at the Thornbury Theatre. Ryro stood proudly with a hand on his heart while he sang along to ‘I Still Call Australia Home.’ Continue reading →