Why “the law” has the potential to dominate tag team wrestling…

“and why they are nowhere near it”

Travis' TruthIt was the partnership that I did not see coming….

When Adam Brooks was left beaten in the middle of the ring at the Thornbury Theatre at the Three Year Extravaganza the last guy we expected to storm to the ring was Dowie James.

James gave a heartfelt and inspirational speech proposing that himself and Brooks form a team and dominate tag team wrestling. Their goal? The MCW tag team championships.

Brooks did not agree that night, most likely still getting over that nights defeat but we later saw this newly formed team at MCW Worlds Collide and they were calling themselves “The Law”. I sat there behind my commentary desk and as I watched these two pair up, one word to my mind POTENTIAL.

These two guys are what I like to call “young veterans” and young veterans are the most dangerous inside the squared circle, bodies in their prime and minds that gave been around long enough to know how to get the job done. With Dowie James and Adam Brooks on the same team “The Law”could dominate tag team wrestling like we have never seen before.

Dowie James may not have the greatest attitude when things don’t go his way and he may not be the most likable guy on the MCW Roster (personally i cant stand the guy) however Dowie James knows Pro Wrestling he knows how to get to the top and he knows how to stay there.  With the introduction of Tag team championships into MCW in 2012, James sees an opportunity to have gold around his waist and Adam Brooks is the guy that can help him get there.

The LAW will challenge The Armstrongs for the MCW Tag Team titles on November 30.

The LAW will challenge The Armstrongs for the MCW Tag Team titles on November 30.

When James spoke at the Thornbury Theatre the crowd booed him out of the building but if the MCW fans are anything like myself at that moment they were thinking at the back of their minds “We are witnessing the start of something that could change MCW forever”. These moments do not happen often, however when they do you can simply feel it and that night I felt we had watched the birth of a new major player in our tag team ranks and perhaps the start of the best tag team Australia has ever seen.

Adam Brooks love him or hate him, you have to respect him, the guy has transformed himself from Matt Silva’s caddy to one of the most dangerous wrestlers in Australia. Personally I miss the old Adam Brooks, backstage he is a completely different person. He was once the first to greet you when you arrived at a venue and was the first guy to help me out when to everybody else I was simply a green commentator. These days he looks straight past me, looks down at me and has not said a word to me since the night he almost knocked his best friends head off his shoulders with a steel chair. That was the night Adam Brooks snapped, in his head he realised he was trying to please everybody else and getting nowhere.

This new Adam Brooks does not care about how many friends backstage he has, what a commentator like myself thinks of him or if the fans that once cheered and admired him now boo him every time he walks through that curtain. The Adam Brooks of 2013 only cares about one thing and that is success; and success in pro wrestling is championships. Although I don’t like what he has done or what he has become I must admit that Brooks’ talent and youth matched with this new unrelenting drive to win gold at any cost could make Adam Brooks one of the most successful Australian wrestlers in the history of this business. I just wish he didn’t have to turn on everybody that cared about him and supported him to achieve it.



You pair these two together and let’s just say I am happy I am not Nick or Jett Armstrong  or any other tag team in Australia for that matter because there is a new serious contender in town and they call themselves “The Law”.


The Armstrongs are so successful because they work as a team.

The Armstrongs are so successful because they work as a team.

It’s not all glory and tag team titles yet for these two and there are some very serious issues that need to be addressed and some very hard work left to do if “The Law” is even going to last a month. We witnessed it at MCW Worlds Collide and I will be watching very closely at Final battle, James and Brooks are NOT a team at all and that is a big problem for two guys that are striving to win tag team gold. Anyone can form a partnership but to build a tag team takes time, dedication and commitment from both parties to make each other better and even modify their own style to best suit the team. I have seen nothing like this from Brooks or James and unfortunately these two guys are too full of themselves to even realise there is a problem.

In my opinion the two enormous egos of Adam Brooks and Dowie James is simply too much to fit into any tag team. These two guys may have won their match  however James and Brooks were competing against each other at the same time. James was trying to better Brooks and Brooks was doing the same, both fighting for the one thing that could “break the lawand that is the Spotlight.  Dowie James and Adam Brooks both want desperately  to have that spotlight shining on them, not as a team but as individuals. Both guys want to be the star and the face of MCW and do not want to win the tag team championships for the team – they both want to win them for themselves to have championship gold. This was obvious even before the bell rang when these two guys came out separately to their own music they couldn’t even share their entrance.

You do not have to look far to see great tag teams in MCW and you see first-hand what makes them so great. Have a look at the current MCW Tag Team champions The Armstrongs. Nick and Jett are two brothers who love each other and know each other like the back of their hands, two guys who want to win as a team and are happy to share any spotlight that shines down on them. These guys have spent their entire life working to each other’s strengths and catering for each other’s weaknesses for the better of the team and this is what has and always will make a tag team successful.

I will use WWE as an example, you have the two biggest stars of the 1980’s Hulk Hogan & Ultimate Warrior, these guys had done it all and won everything there was to win as individuals, you put them into a team and put them up against a tag team like the Legion Of Doom and I know where my money will be going … straight onto the LOD.  See although Hogan and Warrior are more talented and successful as individuals, this means nothing in tag team wrestling and they will be absolutely destroyed by a machine tag team every single time. Why you ask? LOD are a tag team, Hogan and Warrior are two talented singles wrestlers pairing together. This is  exactly what we are seeing with Dowie James and Adam Brooks and unless they can start to work it out they will be beaten over and over again by the likes of the Armstrongs, Hard Way Inc, Smart Casual and SexRock.

The LAW busy arguing with eachother instead of The Armstrongs at Worlds Collide.

The LAW busy arguing with eachother instead of The Armstrongs at Worlds Collide.

For Brooks and James to think they can just pair together and win tag team gold with their current attitudes is disrespectful to the whole tag team division and to all the guys that dedicate their lives to achieving success in this division. They have a lot of work to do from now to November 30  if they are even going to stand a chance against the Armstrong’s otherwise they are just wasting their time. Knowing these two guys I have a feeling they think November 30 is going to be a cakewalk and I think they are in for a very big surprise unless they can prove me wrong and work together as a unit… I will not hold my breath.

The Law have a few weeks to work these major issues out , as of this very moment November 30 at Final Battle we are going to see two individuals be taken to school by one of the best tag teams in this country. Brooks and James have the potential to change the landscape of tag team wrestling forever and if they can coexist could capture the tag team titles in the future and could hold them for a very long time saying that I think they have a lot of work to do to make this happen  To do this they they must ask themselves  as individuals one question What do i want more? Tag team championships or the limelight to be on me personally? because the Law will find out very soon … you cannot have both.

I know Brooks and James will be reading my article and not buying into one thing that I am saying. Well guys I will be sitting at the commentary desk on November 30 PROVE ME WRONG

My prediction: The Armstrong’s retain the MCW Tag Team Championships. James and Brooks learn a hard lesson from one of the best teams in Australian pro wrestling.

MCW presents “Final Battle”. Craigieburn Leisure Centre – 127 Craigieburn Rd. Doors open at 6.30pm. Belltime at 7.30pm.

ADULTS: $20 (Pre-Sale), $25 (At the door)
CHILDREN (Under 16): $15 (Pre-Sale), $25 (At the door)




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