Monthly Archives: July, 2014

Huge Triple Threat Match Announced for MCW Clash of the Titans on August 9th

match-triplethreatMelbourne City Wrestling will be returning to the Craigieburn Leisure Centre on Saturday August 9th, following our highly successful debut event in Craigieburn late last year. Already, five huge matches have been announced, including two title matches (The MCW Tag Team Championship and the RCW Women’s Championship), as well as the six man war between Australia and New Zealand. Now, we’re proud to announce that a Triple Threat match will take place, between three talents from across Australia AND New Zealand! The match will see three of the most volatile individuals in professional wrestling today competing against one another, as KrackerJak makes his first appearance in MCW since Ballroom Brawl, facing both ‘The Smashing Machine’ Chris Vice, AND the former IPW:NZ Heavyweight Champion Travis Banks!

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