Monthly Archives: October, 2014

MCW Fourth Anniversary Extravaganza – More Than Just “Australian Wrestling”

In October 2010, Melbourne City Wrestling took over the several decade long legacy of Australian Championship Wrestling, holding its first event under the new branding at the Thornbury Theatre. The night would showcase many of Melbourne’s top professional wrestlers, as well as new faces from around the rest of the country, who had not yet been introduced to Victorian audiences. Now, on Saturday November 1st, Melbourne City Wrestling celebrates four years of thrilling live events, as we present our ‘Fourth Anniversary Extravaganza’ at the Essendon Ukrainian Hall.

Wrestlers from all around the nation will be competing in seven massive matches on November 1st, but the accolades that so many members of our roster have had, not just around Australia, but across the globe, have often gone un-noticed or may not even be realised by much of our loyal fanbase. Indeed, the majority of the men and women that compete for Melbourne City Wrestling month in and month out hold a substantial amount of international experience. Lets go down the list…

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