Tag Archives: mr juicy

KrackerJak Breaks His Silence


KrackerJak’s vicious attack with a fork on Mr Juicy at MCW Worlds Collide last month left fans angry, scared and disappointed.

The last time anyone saw the man appropriately labeled as ‘The Mad Bastard’, he was storming out the front door of the Tullamarine Public Hall, having just bloodied the fan favourite ‘

Mr Juicy’ Gino Gambino in the middle of the ring, and leaving behind a stunned, shocked and angry MCW audience. MCW management were forced to post an apology over Facebook to all MCW fans for KrackerJak’s actions however KrackerJak himself had not been seen or heard from since that infamous night.

In an interview that was conducted earlier this week, KrackerJak finally breaks his silence, to discuss his actions at MCW Worlds Collide, the upcoming Final Battle event on November 30, and his future in Melbourne City Wrestling as a whole. Continue reading →